Seraphyna wrote:Gesigewigus wrote:I mean this in general, not because you’re you, but why does it make a difference? Many people, high and low energy don’t get energetically attacked, it doesn’t mean they are special, it just means they haven’t attracted the wrong attention of the wrong people to a point where they consider them worth the effort of attacking.
It doesn't. Somewhere (with version 1 or 2 of this article) someone asked for "evidence" or "theories" explaining how I "know" I have a crap ton of energy at my disposal.
So it's a vestigal remain from a draft of having more context before? That at least makes some sense for its presence, but as dealth with, it's not really tied into not being attacked.
We were created as complete beings, with the complete ability to "feel" because our judgements cannot be black or white, they are shades of grey. If you excise certain emotions, then that ability to judge "fairly" becomes rather compromised. We aren't just programmed to do X, we are told what needs doing and the method is up to us.
*nods* I'm just hit by the humanocentrism of "complete", as how your talking assumes everything can feel human emotions, or that human emotions are all there are. Where as I feel it is just as plausible that there are huge sets of emotions humans don't have access to, because we don't have the neurochemical make up for them.
With this, I now at least get your logic, though I can't support it (stating my view, not that either of us actually expect you need my support in order to maintain a belief)
Gesigewigus wrote:I mean, those of us who have been in the community for a while have seen you describe yourself as an Angel/Phoenix, and Angel/Hawk, and an Angel/Tiger, a Polymorphic Angel that helps balance all dualities and now you’re a Polymorphic Angel thing, who protects the universe from imploding due to too much Chaos or Order (and some of those changes have been in the last year).
Well you haven't seen me describe myself as an angel/hawk (ever, I never considered myself avian...that's Motley)[/quote]
If I felt like calling shenanigans here, I would, cause I'm fairly sure that I double checked your intro post before I said that, and confirmed it, and now when I checked again, it was lacking, but everything else (and all the follow ups) was familiar. But that sounds to conspiratorial to believe you'd trace back, edit it, just to remove evidence. Even so, one point of several.
Also, in my double check on here, I realize some of that information did come from other forums (didn't realize it at the time), which I feel is in part unfair, but doesn't invalidate the points. But now that it's said.
or an angel/phoenix. Phoenix I did consider briefly briefly, but not a combination of the two. I considered phoenix because of my memory of how my previous existance "ended," and it was pretty quickly discarded.
Actually you're correct, I came across
I'm something of an angel with phoenix tendencies
Which reading now, I can see being intrepreted as a combination, or as relating a set of traits, but not so much as an identity.
Angel/tiger was a theory because of my shifts, but for the most part I thought they were cameo for a long time and was hesitant to call tiger a kintype. The latter two are essentially the same, just labelled differently. All dualities was narrowed down to chaos vs. order.
Similar, but not so much the same. To go back to my examples, Good and Evil, Light and Dark, Ham and Mayo, are not the same as Chaos and Order, so while it's a narrowing down, it is a change.
My point was not asking you to defend the idenitities or the changes, but more that you've changed your understanding and beliefs a lot in nine years (even in one, which is your first blip to my radar), so what makes you think your current view is more valid than Angel/Tiger?
Again, it doesn't matter if your identity changes with reason, it happens to everyone, but I just feel it's troublesome to "lock" yourself in too soon, especially with the shifting nature of identity (which can be a polymorph joke too I guess)
If you'll notice, angel has always been something I felt was "right". ...<Snip> mainly meditation on other snippets of memory, an inner duality made itself known to me. For a while I thought I was some kind of angel-demon hybrid. Two beings who are usually labelled ordered and chaotic (albeit, not always correctly).
Okay, that's actually a good start, but just thinking/feeling something doesn't make it so. Have you had any form of confirmation to these beliefs?
Putting all of this together I came to the polymorph conclusion.
This is a more general toss out to this type of reaction. But many people have a few blips that don't match their beliefs about themselves (which is totally their fault for believing in their self, but that's another issue), so what makes you think they are are all aspects, not just quirks in your mental/energetic makeup? Cryptoamnesia, childhood imprints, etc.?
I have also met two people who share many of my memories.
*nods* This is more what I mean about confirmation. Now lack of confirmation doesn't invalidity (nor does confirmation validate), but it is a starting point. I'm curious how the sharing of memories came up, and how sterily it was handled.
Wow...that turned into a book.
No worries, it was the most illuminating entry you've made thus far in my opinion.